systems development

hardware and software development on a variety of architectures (uC, SOC, etc)

Modus operandi 

What We Do


© 2013 | Eight Queens

computational intelligence

solve problems with thousands of variables

Eight Queens is a collective of systems engineers aiming to bring high technology down to the level of the common user through applied research and commercial development. The intellectual property created through research work is bundled and run as a business, which will eventually be sold off to fund subsequent research.

Eight Queens is the name of a classical problem in computer science. Given an 8x8 chess board, how many queens can you place such that no queen attacks the other? These kinds of problems are characterized by exponentially large state spaces and can only be solved using AI techniques. There's actually a lot in a name. 

human machine interaction

enabling Jarvis-like command and control of your systems

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Victorville CA 92394 US